What better way to spend an afternoon than touring a traditional winery or vineyard and finish off by tasting some of the best wines? Here’s our top 10 bodegas.
Article by Anastasia Sukhanova

Although a lot of wineries have limited capacity for tours and tastings due to the pandemic, most of them are still welcoming visitors under official COVID-19 regulations. Book ahead to make sure you don’t miss out on the incredible experiences!
Here are our top 10 bodegas, scattered across the Málaga and Cádiz provinces.
Founded in 1885, the winery is now by the fourth and fifth generations of the López López family. Known for their impeccable work ethic and high-quality standards, they were once lovingly nicknamed leones, meaning lions. The winery’s production range is exceptionally wide, with everything from traditional sweet liquor wine, the famous Málaga Virgen, to red and white varieties. Their latest product launch, Marbella Blush Rosé, is an elegantly shaped magnum bottle of rosé sourced from Syrah grapes. A striking fusion of traditional values and Marbella’s decadent style, it makes a perfect pairing with the upcoming summer season.
Bodegas Málaga Virgen
Finca Vistahermosa
Autovía A-92, KM 132 (service road)
Fuente de Piedra, 29520. Málaga, España.
Email: info@bodegasmalagavirgen.com
Tel: (+34) 952 319 454
Quitapenas is one of the most emblematic sweet wines of Málaga, which has carried its traditions through generations. The winery was founded in 1825 when Ramón Suárez and his wife inherited some vineyards in the town of Cútar, located in the Axarquía region of Málaga, and devoted themselves to the winemaking business. The name, Quitapenas, literally means “that makes us forget our troubles”, which is how it became known among the mule drivers passing through the winery on their way to Guadalmar.
Bodegas Quitapenas
Ctra. de Guadalmar, 12
29004, Málaga, España
Email: ventas@quitapenas.es
Tel: (+34) 952 24 75 95
Seven years ago, the Ronda wine industry received its newest and youngest star, Pablo Chacón – and with him the exceptional wines of Samsara. Given a choice by his father to work the land they had in Ronda or sell it, Pablo took the hard route of founding a bodega. Blessed with friends who became his business partners, he created one of the best wineries in Ronda. They work with both Spanish and French varieties, which are cultivated according to organic and natural criteria. With elegant labels and truly Andalucian naming, Samsara wines will surely catch your eye at local supermarkets.
The valleys of Ronda are a famous spot for enotourism, boasting a great selection of family-owned traditional wineries. Find out more about this particular wine-destination in one of our previous blogs.
Samsara Wines
Ronda, Málaga
Tel: (+34) 697 911 440
Founded in 2006, Sedella Vinos is the personal viticulture and enological project of Lauren Rosillo, a young and innovative winemaker that produces premium wines in other Spanish regions such as Rioja, Rueda and La Mancha. The winery, designed by the architect Paco Varela and his team, is a great example of modern architecture seamlessly fused with Andalucian landscape and views of La Maroma peak – a must see in itself. Sedella Vinos prides itself on using the most advanced winemaking technology, enhancing the ancient techniques of natural winemaking.
Sedella Vinos S.L.
Costa del Sol
Málaga, Spain
E-mail: info@sedellavinos.com
Tel: (+34) 687 463 082
Set in a rugged landscape, the steep vineyards of Bodegas Bentomiz offer spectacular views of Sierra Tejeda mountains to the north and the Mediterranean Sea to the south. This bodega produces Ariyanas wines – Ariyanas was the name of a Moorish hamlet next to the vineyard and the word comes from the Arabic for “aromatic. The winery is currently offering daily tours and wine tastings, as well as weekend gourmet lunches, and special banquets, available to book online. Traditionally, Bodegas Bentomiz also host a summer Mountain Wine & Music festival, including open air performances of classical music and a guitar festival. Stay tuned for this year’s announcements!
Bodegas Bentomiz
Finca El Almendro
Pago Cuesta Robano
29752 Sayalonga (Malaga) Spain
Email: reservas@bodegasbentomiz.com
Tel or WhatsApp: (+34) 658 845 285
One of the most iconic figures in the history of advertising and one of the most recognised Spanish brands, the Tío Pepe figure comes from the Cádiz province of Andalucía. Today, the fifth generation still run the company as a family business, spreading their passion for wine to over a hundred countries all over the world. Back in 1835, young entrepreneur Manuel María González started his career in the world of wine as a trader, but his quick success led him to believe he needed to be involved in production too. Naming his very first drink “Tío Pepe’s Solera” in honour of his uncle, he shipped a crate of bottles to London on the advice of Robert Blake Byass, the company agent in England, putting a start to an export partnership between the two businessmen. The Tío Pepe winery in Jerez de la Frontera, one of many, should be a must on everyone’s quest of Andalucian traditions.
Tío Pepe
Calle Manuel María González
12 11403 Jerez de la Frontera,
This winery, founded in 1877 by Sir Alexander Williams, a great admirer and connoisseur of sherry products, and Arthur Humbert, a specialist in international relations, is considered the largest in Europe with over 180,000 m2 of space. During a visit you can marvel over wines and brandies of the label that date back to the year of its foundation, take part in a tasting class, become a horse show spectator and visit the museum collection. Please call ahead for booking.
Williams & Humbert
Ctra. Nacional IV, Km 641
11408 Jerez de la Frontera
Email: williams@williams-humbert.com
Tel:(+34) 956 353 400
Bodegas Fundador, now owned by Emperador Distilleries, was founded in 1730 and is considered the oldest in Jerez. Since the 19th century, the emblematic Fundador, the first brandy ever produced in Spain, has enjoyed a a close relationship with Spanish Royalty, with King Fernando VII granting the use of the Royal seal on the winery’s corks and labels. The winery buildings, which include five bodegas, vast garden spaces and numerous courtyards, are the oldest in Jerez and among the most striking.
Bodegas Fundador
Puerta de Rota s/n
Jerez de la Frontera
Email: f.info@bodegasfundador.com
Tel: (+34) 956 151 552
The Rey Fernando de Castilla winery is named in honour of King Fernando de Castilla “The Saint”, who conquered much of Andalucía in the 13th century and discovered the exceptional qualities of the soil and the climate for producing wines. It is a small winery, but one with great charm and simplicity. Bodegas Rey Fernando de Castilla receives visits that are arranged in advance. Lasting an hour, they explain the production process of sherry wines, brandies and high-quality sherry vinegar.
Bodegas Rey Fernando de Castilla
C/Jardinillo, 7 al 11
11404 Jerez de la Frontera
Email: bodegas@fernandodecastilla.com
Tel: (+34) 956 18 24 54
One the world’s oldest registered trademarks still in use, Sandeman wines owe their unique history to George Sandeman, son of a prosperous Scottish cabinetmaker. Undeterred by wars, George Sandeman travelled extensively to Spain and Portugal throughout the early years of the 19th century, becoming the largest exporter of port by 1825. Sandeman was one of the first wine brands to label and advertise its wines, becoming a pioneer of wine marketing. Currently run by the seventh generation of the family, Sandeman’s Sherry Visitor Centre is in a perfect location, close to the Royal Andalucian School of Equestrian Art in the heart of Jerez de la Frontera.
Bodegas Sandeman
Calle Pizarro 10
11403 Jerez de la Frontera
Email: visitors.jerez@sandeman.com
Tel: (+34) 675 647 177