Congratulations to the whole team, especially to the principal architect Ignacio Garrido González, assisted by Gloria Macías Ocaña and Laura Vallejo Ruano from UDesign Architect’s Studio. We also congratulate the technical architects Cristian Fernández Garzón and Pablo Fajardo, Passivhaus representative Juan Carlos Susuno, Project Manager Juan López (C&F), the construction company RUGUE and Construction Manager José Domingo Fontiveros.
Thanks also to Arup (Passivhaus Designers) representatives Karen Martínez Ramírez, Nuria Diaz Antón and Cesar Blanco Sancibrian, to our engineers from DELMAR Engineering Miguel Delgado Padial and Miguel Delgado Márquez, and to CQD Engineering representatives Rafael Ruiz Vera and Mariano Morilla Morillo.
And of course, we congratulate UDesign’s CEO and Creative Director, Jason Harris, and CEO of BRIGHT, Michael Rodziewicz. We are proud to have developed Marbella’s first luxury Passive House and hope that others will follow this initiative.